Thursday, November 17, 2022
Neo Hülcker`s breaking of the voice  – post voice break version
19:30 DOORS 20:30 CONCERT
Location: KM28 (
Karl-Marx Str. 28, Berlin


paranormal φeer group: »staying broken«

Neo Hülcker: »NN«

Andy Ingamells: »stand facing an audience«

Henry Wilde aka Antonia Baehr »Komposition für Stimmbruchvirtuose #Opus 3«

Neo Hülcker, Voice, Objects

Neo Hülcker is a composer performer whose work focuses on music as anthropological research in everyday life environments. Their compositions evolve as situations, performance-installations, actions and interventions, and deal with digital subculture (like ASMR), childhood, human-animal-relations, queer practice and cultural hacking.

Hülcker studied composition with Dieter Mack and Harald Muenz at Musikhochschule Lübeck and with Manos Tsangaris and Franz Martin Olbrisch at Hochschule für Musik Carl Maria von Weber Dresden.

They are a part of the Y-E-S collective, who publishes music dealing with performativity, temporality, sound as physical experience and the cultural frames of concerts (

Neo Hülcker created compositions, performances, music theatres and installations such as Ear Action (2016) with Stellan Veloce, crackles (2016) and good dog (2017) for MOCREP, Gib Pfötchen (2017) for Maulwerker and Da war ich noch nie in meinem ganzen Leben (2017), Musik für tote Tiere (since 2017) and tentaculus ohri (2018) with Henry Wilde aka Antonia Baehr, Dress up – Selbstporträt mit Hund (2020) with Ulrike Ruf and Das Musikgeschäft (2021) with Bastian Zimmermann.

Hülcker collaborated with Ensemble ascolta, mam. Manufaktur für aktuelle Musik, Ensemble Garage, MOCREP, Bastard Assignments, Maulwerker, decoder ensemble, We Spoke, The Agency, paranormal φeer group, Henry Wilde aka Antonia Baehr, Bastian Zimmermann, Armin Wieser, Tomomi Adachi, Stellan Veloce, Lucie Vitkova, Andy Ingamells, Elisabeth R. Hager, Matthias Kaul, Astrid Schmeling, Eva Zöllner, Bill Dietz, Jennifer Torrence and more.

Hülcker`s compositions have been performed at Wittener Tage für neue Kammermusik (DE), Wien Modern (A), Warschauer Herbst (PL), London Contemporary Music Festival (GB), Münchener Biennale (DE), Blurred Edges (Hamburg, DE), Frontiers Festival (Birmingham, GB), Sound Acts (Athen, GR), Internationale Ferienkurse für Neue Musik Darmstadt (DE), Klangwerkstatt (Berlin, DE), Dark Music Days (Reykjavik, IS), Moving Music Festival (DE), SSSS! (Chicago) and elswhere.

Cluster is a new-music series devoted to the investigation of sound and notation, which provides musicians and composers with an exchange area in Berlin-Treptow, at the crossroad of compositional and performance practices.

Labor Neunzehn is an artist-run project engaged in a cross-disciplinary discourse on time-based-art that involves expanded cinema, modern music, publishing, and the critical reflection in media art, with a specific focus on the migration of these languages between the online and offline domains. As an independent curatorial platform and a non-profit initiative for the production of research projects, exhibitions, performances, workshops, we are committed to the presentation of collaborative outcomes and hybrid formats.

Labor Neunzehn constantly extends own curatorial concepts with the aim of opening up spaces for experimentation and discovery, fostering bottom-up community building, as well as endorsing interdisciplinary exchange between art practitioners, institutions, and audience in Berlin.



This programme is generously supported by Initiative Neue Musik Berlin / field notes



photo: Gerhard Kühne