
Data is everywhere. People produce data. Objects produce data. The age of the quantified self is upon us and every aspect of our daily lives can be tracked and turned into information. We spread breadcrumbs of data in every moment of our connected lives. Understanding our trails is increasingly important in today’s surveillance society.

In this workshop you’ll learn how to access information from the likes of your social networks, devices, apps and browsers. Using the data pipeline you will extract, refine, analyse and visualise your data using cutting edge technologies.

Labor Neunzehn and Shaketheshape Studio present:

BYOD – Bring Your Own Data.
Extract, process and visualize your own data

by Milena Marin and Francesco Merletti

from Friday, 29 January 2016 at 10:00  to Sunday, 31 January 2016 at 17:00

Location: Labor Neunzehn / Kiefholzstr.19 12435 D-Berlin



/////////Outline //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Day 1: Introduction to working with data (Fri 29 Jan 2016)

What we will cover

•Introduction to working with data, covering basic concepts and data types

•Tips and tools to explore data working with the data pipeline methodology: extracting, refining, analysing and visualising data

•Cleaning data: principles, what to look out for, managing changes and introducing Open Refine

•Analysing data: Spreadsheet essentials and introducing pivot tables to create simple summary statistics

•Visualising data: dos and donts, common misconceptions, basic graphs and charts and how to use freely available static and interactive tools
By the end of the day you will:

•Learn how to use the data pipeline to explore your data and create a data project

•Be armed with an arsenal of free tools you can use to you clean, analyse and visualise data

•Be familiar using a spreadsheet and Open Refine

•Be familiar with the jargon used in the world of data


/////////Day 2: Analysing your social networks (Sat 30 Jan 2016) ///////////////////////////////////////////

What we will cover

•Retrieving data from the main social networks (Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram)

•Preparing data for network visualisation in Gephi

•Introduction to Gephi

•Force-layouts, clustering and visual analysis of your networks
What you will learn

•What is a network and the basic concepts of network theory

•How to extract data from your social networks and visualise it with Gephi, an open source tool

•Who are the key players in your social networks and how they are related with each other


/////////Day 3: Introduction to D3.js and web data visualisation (Sun 31 Jan 2016) ///////////////////////////////////

What we will cover

•Review of basic HTML, CSS, SVG and Javascript

•Basic D3.js introduction

•Binding data to visual elements

•The Enter-Update-Exit D3.js pattern
What you will learn

•How to make your first D3.js graph

•Common design patterns in D3.js

•SVG basics (shapes, lines, paths)

•Where to find information and how to develop your skills
Previous knowledge


Familiarity with web technologies such as HTML and CSS are required especially for the third day of training.


/////////Equipment/Software ////////////////////////////////////////////////

Participants are required to bring:

•A laptop with Wi-fi access and an updated modern browser (possibly Chrome/Chromium or Firefox).

•A speadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel, Libreoffice Calc (Free and Open) or access to an online suite such as Google Apps (Free).

•A basic text editor, we recommend installing one of the following:

•Brackets ( – Mac/Win/Linux – Free/Opensource)

•Sublime Text – Mac/Win/Linux – Free)

•Atom ( – Mac/Win/Linux – Free/Opensource)



This data visualization workshop is a part of Transmediale Vorspiel 2016 Programme

Do you have questions about BYOD – Bring Your Own Data. Extract, process and visualize your own data? Contact Labor Neunzehn