We are glad to inform you that Labor Neunzehn has been invited to take part this weekend at the new edition of Simultan Festival in Timișoara. Alessandro will be attending with a talk about post-digital reading strategies and parallel narratives, and introducing our web based project “All Sources Are Broken”.


All Sources Are Broken: Post-digital reading strategies and parallel narratives.
Talk at Simultan Festival XIV in Timișoara, Romania – November 10 2019

In occasion of Simultan Festival XIV Alessandro Massobrio will browse through All Sources Are Broken, a web based application developed with Valentina Besegher as a creative coding experiment about books, hyperlinks obsolescence, reading strategies, which considers how hypertext and print already coexist (as opposed to one superseding the other), through a navigable archive of collected reference material that visitors can both navigate and shape themselves. He will look into offline networking models and explore the deferred space that emerges in-between text and hypertext, offline and online.



8—10 NOV. 2019,

“There Will Be a Time When It Will Not Be”

The world as we know it will soon cease to exist. Although science and technology fuel change at a remarkably fast pace, it often goes unnoticed, since the deepest structural changes happen imperceptibly and morphs quickly into norms. We have entered a period of incredible instability, and many of our certainties and assumptions are systematically blown away. Every day our predictions and expectations are transposed.

In 2019, SIMULTAN festival carries the theme “There will be a time when it will not be“, which aims to question technology’s influence on the different aspects of individual and social life, to explore speculative situations, and to disturb the standardized image of the future as a cult of infinite progress and development. The festival delves into the realms of personal, political, social, philosophical and existential aspects of our day and age, by pointing out the various ways in which the artists respond to and how they record those changes, and how they imagine the future.

SIMULTAN 2019 proposes alternative narratives and confluence approaches by aiming at creating a general status, which brings local identity into a wider context, providing new opportunities for artists that wish to experiment with different media or interdisciplinary methods.

The festival’s perspective has shifted over the years – going from challenging our audiovisual comprehension experience to exploring the human-machine interactions and experimenting with various tools and technologies to question their social implications and overall impact on our daily lives.

SIMULTAN festival approaches new aesthetics and showcases video art and live events whose main themes include: stylistic eclecticism, the relationship between humans and machine, recycle-environmental themes, dry lyricism, acoustic and electronic instrumental fusion, expanded cinema, jovial live sound collages, and the reflection on the political valences of sonic practice.